Last December a customer came into our studio, fell in love with a piece of furniture---a chest and had to have the piece. She decided to have us custom paint it and choose Vert Olive as the color from the Autentico Color Chart offering over 150 color options.

We begin to slowly transform this piece and it was a true labor of love. We cleaned the piece first with Omniclean to remove the residue, oils and general inkiness of dirt and grime and then proceeded with removing the hardware as well. From there we were able to begin the reconstructing of the edge appliques that had sustained damage over the years.
Since we are Iron Orchid Designs stockists we were able to rebuild these parts of the chest by recreating these appliques using the moulds and paper clay. Its pretty simple but does take patience and technique. After, these dry there is a little shrinkage with the paper clay but good thing we also stock Saltwash one of our favorite mediums for adding texture to pieces. We were able to mix in our Vert Olive Autentico Paint with the Saltwash and fill in the gaps and spaces from the shrinkage. This took lots of patience and shaping with the medium to blend the two together.

After these steps were completed we could then start painting the piece in Vert Olive! From there we used a slip coat of clear wax and then added colored waxes---Anthracite, Taupe and Light Brown into the details of the piece to pop the appliques and distressed the edges. We are truly happy with how this piece turned out and we think our clients is just if not more happy! That's the result we love the most! #custompaint #asheboropaint #paintshop #paintstore #autenticopaintusa #chalkpaint #chalkpaintasheboro #customfinishes #ironorchiddesigns #iodmoulds #bespokefinsihes #vertolive #chalkpaintlife #studio #downtownasheboro #asheboronc #collectiveinteriors #saltwash
Pruchasing is done in market place when you pay money to get some good or service. Purchasing is a part home painting services Newcastle of business and purchasing from good sellers can increase our will to purchase more.